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Book Launch – The Wait Is Overwhelming!


25th March 2022 was the launch date for my second book. But, unfortunately, it’s still not out. I’ve been getting messages from my readers asking about the launch. It’s tough to reply to each of you, so I thought of writing this blog.

Today, as I write this, we’re already in the middle of April. The delay in the book launch is overwhelming for me. A book launch is the biggest day in an author’s life. For me, it is more significant than my marriage day. I am not even kidding when I say that.

Due to some technical issues in the printing process, the launch date is uncertain. I feel guilty for not being able to relay a fixed launch date for my new book. Unable to contain the feeling, I thought of writing a blog and sharing something about the book.

You might know about my first book – Monday Mornings Done Right. Recently, it was restocked on Amazon. If you haven’t read it, do consider reading it. This book was initially published as an ebook on Amazon due to the COVID-19 situation. Later, my publisher went ahead to print the paperback as the ebook did well.

Firsts are always special. But for an author, every book is equally special. My next book was in my head while the first was out for you to read. Immediately after I published Monday Mornings Done Right, I started writing my second – romance novel.

But, life is full of surprises – some are pleasant while some leave you numb for the rest of your lives.

One such not so pleasant event changed my life forever. I had to stop writing my novel and take a long break from writing. But I couldn’t stay away from writing for a long time, so I channelised my energy in writing about the event that happened in my life. I had written so much in no time that it became my second book.

Now you know why the wait is overwhelming. More than you, I’m longing for the book to be out. But the launch date is not in my hands, and the wait is inevitable.

I can only pray for a speedy process as I can’t control my emotions anymore.

I will try writing more blogs. Until then take care and drink lots of water!


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2 Replies to “Book Launch – The Wait Is Overwhelming!”

  1. Can’t wait for launch tho🥳

    1. thank you 🙂 Even I

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