Hey there, Aren’t you flabbergasted to read the blog title? I’m sure you are, or else why would you have clicked on the link? I would be more than happy if you are curious to know how to start reading or read more or how I read 13 books in 3 months. First of all, […]
Happy Birthday, My Brave Lady!!

If you’re a regular reader of my work, you know who My Brave Lady is, isn’t it? So, before I talk to you about her, let me thank you for accepting and welcoming me wholeheartedly to my previous blog. I feel elated to be here again. Today, the 16th of March, marks my best friend’s […]
5 Steps To Get Your Life Back On Track

These 5 steps to get your life back on track are not googled or picked from anywhere else, they’re all self-discovered. Yes, this blog is my story of how I lost track of what I wanted to do in life and how I got back on track by doing the things I did for the […]
5 Benefits Of Listening To Podcasts | 1 Reason I’m Making Them

Hey there, As promised, I’m back here after a short gap. They say, if you want to do something, I-don’t-have-time is never an excuse. You will make time if you really want to do something. So, here I am, making some time to drop by and share something with the people who matter to me […]
Why God Why! Turning 29…

Hey there, I’m here again, this time, with a short gap between two blogs. I hope you liked my previous blog, which was quite emotional, and just an update: I’ve started writing the book I mentioned earlier. I’ve been writing this blog for a week now, in bits and pieces, as sitting for hours in […]
The One With The Most Emotional Goodbye!

Sometimes, you know someone will soon go away from you, across the ocean, and you prepare yourself for the goodbye. You imagine it to be of a specific kind. You plan to say a lot of things. All in all, you replay the moment which is yet to happen a hundred times in your head. […]
9 Signs Your Life Is Going Off Track

Hey there, How are you doing? I know I’ve been an occasional visitor to my blog, and you can see I’m going off track. Yes, I know everything today is noticed, your presence and your absence. It’s been a while since I released my latest ebook, First 365 Days in a Marriage, and my readers […]
…And The Hangover Shall Stay For A Little Longer!

The bedroom is a complete mess with the jewellery, hair pins, half-finished pack of safety-pins, makeup kit, lying on my study table making me search for my office laptop (as I don’t have a dressing table), the chair in the room is dumped with a heap of clothes including the long gowns, sarees, blouses, petticoats, […]
New Relationships And Much More…

Hey there, I don’t remember when was the last time I wrote a blog. It’s been ages since I sat down to write something. Well, that’s life. Sometimes the external forces do not allow you to do something you love the most. Writing blogs and reading books have always been an inevitable part of my […]
Day 4 & 5 At Kashmir | The Gondola Ride In Gulmarg

Hey there, I am extremely sorry to keep you waiting. This blog took a lot of time to come out. Honestly, I got distracted by a book idea and couldn’t hold myself back from writing it. This happens for all my books. Something clicks in my mind, and then I can’t help but put it […]