Why God Why! Turning 29…


Hey there, I’m here again, this time, with a short gap between two blogs. I hope you liked my previous blog, which was quite emotional, and just an update: I’ve started writing the book I mentioned earlier. I’ve been writing this blog for a week now, in bits and pieces, as sitting for hours in […]

9 Signs Your Life Is Going Off Track

9 Signs Your Life Is Going Off Track

Hey there, How are you doing? I know I’ve been an occasional visitor to my blog, and you can see I’m going off track. Yes, I know everything today is noticed, your presence and your absence. It’s been a while since I released my latest ebook, First 365 Days in a Marriage, and my readers […]

New Relationships And Much More…


Hey there, I don’t remember when was the last time I wrote a blog. It’s been ages since I sat down to write something. Well, that’s life. Sometimes the external forces do not allow you to do something you love the most. Writing blogs and reading books have always been an inevitable part of my […]