Australia For You | The End Is Nearing


You’ve seen the havoc that the bushfire has created in Australia. The videos and images shared on the internet are heartbreaking. It’s difficult to come to terms with such massive destruction. But it’s true. This is happening. Welcome to a brand new decade. If you’re not aware of the enormous bushfire of Australia let me […]

Pinku’s Zero-Network Zone | Part II

Pinku's-Zero-Network-Zone -Part-II

Continued from the previous blog… “As I said I had made up my mind to defeat this addiction of mine, I made my way to the “Zero-network zone”. This idea originated in the elevator where the network is minimum. One fine day I set out on a trip to Elephanta caves all alone with my […]

Who Is Consuming Whom ? | Part I


The stage was lit with bright dancing lights when the would-be couple pushed their engagement rings into each other’s fingers. The crowd sitting in the chairs applauded to congratulate them. I moved impatiently left to right and then right to left just to get a glance of the rings, but with no success. It was […]

7 Subtle Things To Do On Vacation


I’m sure most of you are eagerly waiting for your summer vacation. Few of you are already traveling off away from the monotonous and sweaty city life. With the temperatures making new records, you’re bound to plan a vacation way ahead of the summer. Curling up into nature’s lap is the only way to kill […]

How To Write Love Letter And Its Importance


Regardless of your shy or unromantic nature, you’ve got to write a love letter at least once in your lifetime. I happened to read a book by Cecelia Ahern named ‘Where rainbows end‘. To my astonishment, the fat book was filled with emails only. There was no dialogue writing, no narration, only the salutations, and […]

7 Fantastic Tips On Keeping A Creative Journal In 2019


Journal writing is a trending practice. If you are not aware of what I am talking about, let me tell you in detail. For starters, creative/illustrated journal writing is different from diary writing. When you write into your diary, it’s a plain script that you pen down. Basically a written version of your entire day. But journal writing is […]