Why Is It Important To Talk It Out | Blog Post 11

70% of all our worries are FICTITIOUS. Are you thinking too much about your life in these corona times? Do you feel stressed all the time? You are not alone, my dear reader. According to a study, EVERY 2ND INDIAN IS HIT BY CORONANXIETY. Today’s TOI says, “One in every four persons may require medical interventions.” […]

5 Things To Do To Stay Calm | Post 10

I’m really upset about this time’s blog marathon. Somehow I’m just not able to cope with the number of events going on in my life. Sometimes it’s really difficult to toggle between a plethora of emotions. Sometimes you need to understand that it’s okay to not be okay. I’ve been struggling with my emotions and […]

What My Sunday Looks Like | Post 9

Hey there, It’s Sunday today! How are you spending it? Do you use your Sunday as I do? How about finding it? I’ll tell you how my Sunday looks like and then you can share yours. Let’s do this fun activity today. So, here I go with my Sunday routine: 1. On a Sunday morning, […]